I really need to get back to Disney. Seriously, it's my second home. It would be my first if I could afford it. My friends all know that Rin and I are Disneyphiles, but I don't think they understand. One of them almost does, but he's a Disneyland guy, not Walt Disney World.
And then, last week, a couple friends asked me to start planning a trip for them and her daughter, so now I have the joys of planning (yes, I like to plan trips), but I don't get to reap any of the rewards. I'm not sure if my body wants to be happy because it's reimmersed in Disney planning, or sad, because it won't actually be immersed in Disney.
Anyway, everything lately is reminding me of Disney. I've recently started playing Mass Effect, and the music in the startup menu reminds me of Space Mountain. I was driving home the other day, and a song came on that had been on a lot while we were in Florida. There were a couple of other things too, but they went out of my head as I started writing. Oops.
Sadly, Rin wants to go the England before we go back to Disney. Usually, I would call her a blasphemer, but I'll allow it in this case. Her sister, brother-in-law and only neice and nephew live in England, and she hasn't seen any of them in about 3 years. That's about half her neice's life. So, time to start saving for England!
Oops! There were supposed to be pictures today, since I'm sure you don't just come here to read my ramblings, but I just noticed the time. Off to work I go! I promise there will be another photo dump soon.