Monday, 19 March 2012

Africa - A Dream of Mine

So, I'll finish putting up pictures from our Disney trip eventually, but I felt like writing tonight. My plan was for this to be a travel blog once I was done my Trip Report (although we won't be doing much travelling in the near future, what with Rin being in school, and me going back once she's done), so this is my inaugural 'Travel Blog' post. Since we won't be doing much travelling, I'll be writing about places we've been, or places we want to go. And number one on my list (Rin has her own list, maybe she'll deign to write about it someday) is Africa, so I figure it's a good place to start.

Seriously, who doesn't want to wake up to this?
Now, for those of you who don't know Rin and me (Yes, "me," not "I." Look it up. I'm tired of bad grammar online.), we don't travel cheaply. I blame this on Rin, she's high maintenance. I mean, sure, I like the high life as well, but I'd be happy sleeping in a tent if it meant we could go to Africa (or Disney, or Las Vegas, etc, etc). So, you can image, a trip to Africa means mega bucks. But, honestly, I think I prefer it this way.

Why? Well, because Africa is ridiculously beautiful, and has some ridiculously beautiful accommodations. I originally realised this 3 or 4 years ago when I stumbled across a website entitled Africa in Style (now The website has expanded and changed since I originally found it, , unfortunately, it no longer features the property that I originally fell in love with: Shompole.

Shompole is, for lack of a better word, breathtaking. Sadly, as I write this, I've just discovered that Shompole is currently closed Probably why Journeys in Style no longer features it.). But, in hopes that it will open again soon, and to pique your interest, I give you some pictures that drew me to the property.

I had planned to write more, but I'll save that for another day. Trust me, there will be more Africa to come, someday, hopefully, culminating in a Trip Report and some pictures of my own. And, if you want to help me get there, feel free to click the ads Google is so gracious to supply me with - every little bit helps!

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